Sealants For Children

Sealants help prevent decay by protecting the surface of the teeth, especially the back teeth where brushing can be more difficult for children. They are made of a clear, liquid resin that hardens when a special light is shined on it. This creates a smooth, hard surface that prevents food from settling in the grooves of your child’s back teeth.

Research has shown that sealants can reduce a child’s risk of decay in treated teeth by up to 80%. The CDC has even weighed in, stating that children without dental sealants may be 3 times more likely to develop decay in the same teeth than children with sealants.

Caring for Your Child’s Sealants

Sealants are sturdy and should last up to 10 years, but may need replacing sooner, depending on your child’s lifestyle. Avoiding chewing on ice and hard candy can prolong their life and prevent chipping. The dentist will monitor your child’s sealants at each visit to make sure they are still intact.

While sealants don’t eliminate the need for proper homecare such as flossing and brushing twice daily, they can offer some protection and can even stop minor decay from developing further.

Post OP – Sealants

A preventative sealant has just been placed on one or more of your child’s teeth in order to prevent cavities in the chewing surface of the back teeth. Sealants do not protect the four other surfaces of each tooth. Routine brushing and flossing are still necessary to prevent cavities.

  1. Following its application, a sealant may feel a bit high when biting down. This will gradually wear away from the high points of the teeth and stay in the pits and grooves. Sealants also may leave a sour taste in your child’s mouth, this will quickly disappear. Your child may rinse with water and/or eat immediately after sealant placement.

  2. Always avoid chewing on ice cubes, jaw breakers, cough drops or other hard and crunchy foods. The sealant may chip or break if these foods are eaten especially just after placement.

  3. Sealants can remain in place for many years if they receive proper care. Dr. Lora will evaluate the integrity of the sealants at every checkup appointment.

If you have any questions, please call us at (916) 435-9100.